Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Visit from Albert - Dec. 19 & 20, 2009

Saturday morning we drove up to Framingham, MA to hit the Honey Baked Ham Store as early as possible. The reason you ask? Winter Storm Albert was coming, and we needed a ham for Christmas dinner. The scenes from TV on what Albert did to Washington, DC did not give me a good feeling. Albert was due to arrive at 2pm; however, Albert had other plans. The storm started with a light flurry around 8pm. When I woke up early Sunday morning, I could not believe how much snow there was. The final tally for Norwich was 18 inches and Voluntown got about 2 feet! After digging out my car, I think I will need a Motrin or two!

Early Sunday morning view from my back door!

No traffic this morning!

Fresh fallen snow always looks so peaceful.

Chris kept busy while snowed in. He had his long driveway to plow, birds to feed, and photographs to take!

This is the view Chris woke up to out his front door!

Chris' driveway before firing up the snowblower!!

Chris' driveway after firing up the snowblower!

A very snow-covered SAAB

That is a lot of snow, huh?

The truck made out a little better hiding under the trees!

One of Chris' neighbors hard at work too!

Other neighbors up the street having fun on their plow!!

The boat was not feeling all this snow!
I can just hear the boat saying, "Who is this Albert guy?"

The birds seemed to enjoy all of this!

Albert left about Noon on Sunday heading up to Boston....nothing like a good snowstorm to get one in the holiday mood!

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