Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sea Trials Aboard the Watermelon

The new boat (a.k.a. "The Watermelon") finally arrived on Thursday.

Over the weekend, we took the Watermelon out for sea trials out on Beach Pond. It was a gorgeous sunny day and just perfect for our first trip out. After a few "getting into the boat mishaps" at the boat launch, I was finally in. I suspect there were be a few bruises showing up over the next few days.

When do I get to drive?

"We have to have 10 hours of time on the engine before we can go really fast!"

I think we should try going over there.

A view off the front of the Watermelon.

Chris enjoying the first course of our lunch--fresh strawberries and ice cold water.

We saw a family of ducks!

While we we anchored in the cove enjoying our lunch,
another family of ducks came to join us!

There was a momma and 8 babies! So cute!!

The Watermelon's place at home for now!

Youtube video of feeding the ducks! (Just copy and paste the URL address into your web browser.)

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