Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend in Savannah - Sept 3-6, 2010

Friday Night:

Chris and I had a United Airlines travel voucher that was soon to expire, so we decided upon our next travel adventure - Savannah, GA. I had been to Savannah for work several years ago, but did not see much of the city itself.

Our flight was scheduled to leave on Friday at 7pm...but we were concerned that we would not be able to go as Hurricane Earl was expected to arrive about the same time. United did not cancel the flight, and we left on time. We had a brief layover in Washington, DC at Dulles airport and then we were on our way to Savannah arriving around 11:30pm. After getting the rental car and firing up Gloria, our GPS, we were on our way to the hotel. We finally were checked into our room and unpacked our late night arrival snack.

I booked our room at the Hampton Inn in the historic district at the AAA rate several months ago. It was a very nice hotel, with breakfast included. It had the only rooftop pool in the historic district which provided great views of the city. We did use the pool a lot as the temperature was in the mid 90's and humid for most of the weekend. Parking in the historic district is at a premium, so we decided to take advantage of the valet parking at the hotel ($15 a day).


We woke up early even though we only had a few hours sleep. Hit the breakfast room for some biscuits and gravy!

We grabbed our cameras and headed across the street to see what was happening on the Riverwalk along the Savannah River. Several white tents were set up indicating that some kind of an art/crafts show was going to be held that day.

Riverwalk View

These are the stones in the street and sidewalks. Sensible shoes...a must!!

Our hotel was right across the street from the Riverwalk and the Savannah River

Across from the Hotel

After walking around a bit, we went back to the hotel to get the car. We wanted to see what the Keller's Flea Market ( had to offer so we entered the address into Gloria and we were off. It was about a 30-minute drive to Keller's. We liked that parking was free and there was no entrance fee. So many places charge for that. Keller's was huge. There were many vendors selling everything from tee-shirts to chili peppers. They were also having an antique car show that we enjoyed.

People were so friendly, saying hey to us. We heard lots of y'all's too this weekend.

It was already getting very warm, so when we thought we had seen it all, we decided to head over to Tybee Island for some blue shell crabs at the Crab Shack ( Tybee Island is a small barrier island in the Atlantic Ocean about 18 miles east of Savannah. It is a low key seaside resort with a 3-mile long beach.

We had been warned that it was a very touristy restaurant. We generally try to avoid them at all costs, but Chris had seen Rachel Ray at the Crab Shack pounding away at a big tray of blue shell crabs and throwing the shells through the hole in the table to a waiting garbage container. We got there just before they opened at lunch. While waiting for them to open, we checked out the gator pond.

These gators don't look too friendly!

After being seated, we checked out the menu. Yes,,,there is blue shell crab on the menu! BUT...the waitress informed us that they were out...afterall she was a holiday weekend! What...the holiday just started and they are already out...not a good sign. We should have just left. I also ordered a frozen drink sans the liquor (I was driver for this trip) but sadly, was informed that they do not make frozen virgin drinks. Another bad sign! Did we! Ok...I will have water!

I ordered deviled crab platter and Chris ordered boiled shrimp! Mine came with the greatest cole slaw ever and some really good boiled potatoes. However, we could have skipped the rest without missing anything! I was surprised at how busy the place was considering they were out of the blue shell crab!

Boiled Shrimp and Deviled Crab

We left the Crab Shack and Gloria guided us back to the Hampton Inn.

We stopped here on the way back to the hotel to see if anything looked good for a snack later, but the prices were just too high!

Back at the hotel, we quickly put on our bathing suits and headed up to the pool for some swimming and basking in the sun.

Rooftop Pool at the Hampton Inn - we had it to ourselves most of the time!

View from Rooftop Pool

From the hotel rooftop we could watch giant container ships going down the Savannah River heading to the Atlantic Ocean.

Exhausted from so little sleep, we struggled to not take a nap, but instead headed out for an early dinner at the River House Seafood Restaurant ( on the Riverwalk. I had eaten there when I was in Savannah before and remembered it to be good.

I ordered the lobster crab bisque which came in an metal caldron, and Chris ordered the Oysters Rockefeller. My bisque was quite good, but could have been a littler hotter. Chris' oysters were very good. Chris ordered the fried shrimp and I ordered a small 4-cheese pizza. Both entrees were ok...nothing outstanding.

Oysters Rockefeller

Lobster Crab Bisque

We were too stuffed for dessert and decided to walk over to the Savannah's Candy Kitchen to get a free praline sample or two...afterall, they are sample sizes! We headed back to the hotel, and I was asleep by 7:30pm!


Again, I was up early. While Chris was catching up on his beauty sleep, I took my Kindle down to the breakfast room to have a few cups of coffee and finish one of my books. I may have had a helping of the bisquits and gravy while I was there. I would never have pegged myself as a bisquits and gravy girl, but when I see them I on vacation, I order them. The best ones so far, are from a little restaurant we went to in Raleigh, North Carolina! Even Chris, who does not eat such things, enjoys them!!

After letting Chris sleep in enough, up to the room I went. We got ready for the day ahead and went to have our official breakfast downstairs. I had to admit to Chris that I had already had my daily allotment of the bisquits and gravy and had some yogurt and juice this time!

We decided that today would be a "no driving day." Our plan was to go on the Old Town Trolley Tour. You can ride the trolley all day long, getting off and on at any of the stops for $25. We got a $2 off coupon from one of the brochures. The Trolley Company sends a bus to pick you up at the hotel and brings you to the Trolley office where you pay and board the trolley.

Old Town Trolley

It was a lot of fun and well worth the ticket price. Our driver on the first trolley was very knowledgeable about the history of Savannah. We were able to see many places we might not have found on our own. Savannah is laid out in over 20 beautifully landscaped squares with fountains and benches. Almost everywhere you look, Spanish moss hangs from the trees.

The homes are so beautiful in this area with the giant live oak trees and the Spanish moss.

We kept seeing "family" type cars all fixed up! It was pretty funny seeing cars like Oldsmobiles pimped out!

Savannah Candy Store

Free Praline Samples in the Candy Store at City Market

I am sure these have no calories!

Kids cooling off in the water spouts near City Market

City Market area

Spending some time at City Market

At one of the stops, we got on the free ferry that goes out to Hutchinson Island, which is on the other side of the Savannah River.

Savannah's Free Ferry

After a quick 5-minute ride, we were at the landing. We had noticed a beer feast going on there Saturday, but it was not going on Sunday, so we hopped back on the ferry to get off at a different stop up the Riverwalk at the Waving Girl Landing. There we found a very pretty park with the Olympic Torch (from the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics) and the Waving Girl Statue (one of Savannah's legends).

Chris at the Ferry Landing

Deb trying to lift the Olympic Torch!

The Waving Girl Statue

Back Side of the Waving Girl Statue

We decided to have lunch at Moon River Brewing Company ( Chris had the fried shrimp again, and I had fried green tomatoes with crab salad. Again, everything was good,,,just nothing outstanding.

We hopped the trolley again for some more sightseeing and then headed back to the hotel to hit the pool for a few hours and a nap!

Here are some of the interesting sights we saw from the trolley:

Candler Live Oak Tree started growing in 1730!

We had come to the conclusion that our mission of having blue shell crab was not going to be fulfilled for this trip, so we decided to use an Outback Steakhouse gift certificate we had. The restaurant was just up one block from our hotel. It was still happy hour, so we scored 2/1 Tanqueray and Tonics for our beverages. I had a lettuce wedge and blue cheese salad and a small prime rib with garlic mashed potatoes. Chris had a house salad and a NY strip. We split a carrot cake for dessert. It was a good meal from Outback. Our waiter was very friendly. We told him that at all the other restaurants we went to, the things we ordered first were not available and how happy we were that Outback had what we ordered. He asked what it was that we wanted...and we both said...Blue Shell Crab. He left for a minute and came back saying if you can go to Tybee Island,,,go to Sting Ray's. He said that they would have what we wanted! Thanks, Tristen, and we gave him a good tip!

We walked around a bit and headed back to the hotel.


I slept a little bit later today, but still left a sleeping Chris to head to the breakfast room with my Kindle. I had a few cups of coffee and a blueberry muffin. I did make note that there were no bisquits and gravy today. Oh no...our last day and no favorite breakfast item. I brought a cup of coffee up to Chris and told him since we had no plans for the morning, I was heading to the pool. Chris came up to the pool eventually for a bit of swimming. The view from the rooftop was incredible. We asked for a late checkout of 2pm and the hotel was very accommodating. After our pool time, we went back to the room to shower and pack up. We were heading back to Tybee Island for a late lunch. Our flight was not until 7pm, so we had plenty of time. We gave Gloria the address to Sting Ray's ( and we were off. It was a very sunny and clear day. The route to Sting Ray's brought us out further onto Tybee Island. It looked like a neat beach resort area and we talked about returning in the future and staying out there. We found Sting Ray's, which looked to be the kind of place we liked...wooden tables with umbrellas on an outdoor terrace...and best of all they had Blue Shell Crab! I had an order of conch fritters and a deviled crab. Chris had a blue shell crab appetizer with 4 medium sized crabs! He also ordered some soft shelled crab. I think we are finally crabbed out!

Sting Ray's

"Judy's Blue Crab Appetizer"

Conch fritters with mango chutney

Soft shell crab

Those blue shell crabs did not stand a chance!

After a very filling lunch, we headed off to the Savannah Airport. Our flight was on time. We had a brief layover at Dulles again. Because Dulles was so packed, I had high hopes of getting bumped, but that was not in the cards for us this trip! We landed in Providence 5 minutes early!

It was a great weekend, and we really enjoyed ourselves despite not finding that perfect meal. Savannah has a lot to offer families and there is a lot to do and see! We loved the fact that you were never more than a few minutes away from beautiful parks with benches and cool shade, fountains, and memorials!